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Sabtu, 30 Maret 2019

Pengaruh Kecerdasan Intelektual, Kecerdasan Emosional, Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pt. Pln Persero Area Klaten

ABSTRACT: This study attempts to analyze 1) to know influence intellect intellectual on performance employees of PT. PLN Klaten area. 2) to know the influence of emotional intelligence on performance employees of PT. PLN Klaten area. 3) to know the influence of the workplace on performance employees of PT. PLN Klaten area. 4) to know influence intellect intellectual,emotional intelligence, and workplace simultaneously on performance employees of PT. PLN Klaten area.
Methods used in research is cuantitative method, with the data collected based on the answer quesioner. In this casethe writer used Likert scale. Populations in this research are employee of PT. PLN Klaten area amounting to 69 people, in this research called the population research. Analysis techniques data in this research using multiple linear regression, t test , F test , the coeffiecient determination.
The analysis shows that the: 1) due to tcount > ttable (3.230 > 1,996) with standard significant 0,05 so Ho rejected and accepetd Ha, it means intellect intellectual have leverage toperformance employees of PT. PLN Klaten area. 2) due to tcount > ttable (4.167 > 1,996) itmeans Ho rejected and receive Ha means intelligence intelectual have leverage to performance employees of PT. PLN Klaten area. 3) due to tcount > ttable (2.362 > 1,996), means Ho rejected and receive Ha means the workplace have leverage to performance employees of PT. PLN Klaten area. 4) the results of the hypothesis simultaneously in this research, it can be locations that the fcount > f table (56,176 > 2,75 ) it means Ho rejected, itmeans intellect intellectual, emotional intelligence, and workplace simultaneously have leverage to performance employees of PT. PLN Klaten area. 5) results linear regression analysis double Y = -5.636 + 0,397X1 + 0,501X2 + 0,353X3 value adjusted R square = 0,725 shows that the contribution of all the variables independent is worth 72,5% the rest of 27.5 % influenced by other variables that is not described in this research .
Keywords: Intellectual Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Environment of Work and Performance
Penulis: Yeni Sugena Putri
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd161393

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