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Sabtu, 30 Maret 2019

Pengaruh Karakteristik Demografis (Usia, Gender, Pendidikan), Abad Kerja Dan Kepuasan Honor Terhadap Janji Afektif) (Studi Pada Tenaga Paramedik Non-Pns Rsud Kota Semarang)

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to extend previous research on employee commitment to their organization within with the measurability and the fitness of the tested and reliable employee commitment scale items in a non-western culture within focus to investigate the effect ofdemographic characteristic (age, gender, education), tenure and pay satisfaction on affective commitment based background of the phenomena that occur in the commitment of contract paramedical employees at the General Hospital of Semarang.
This research was conducted at the General Hospital of the city with A quantitativeapproachment.The data collection using five-point Likert scaled questionnaire administered to 75 contract paramedical employees at the General Hospital of Semarang.
The results indicates that there are no significant effect between both demographic characteristic (age, gender, education) and tenure on affective commitment.Conversely, the result indicate there is a positive significant correlation between pay satisfaction towards affective commitment at the General Hospital of Semarang.
Keywords: Demographic characteristic (age, gender, education, tenure and affective commitment)
Penulis: Simson Hutagalung, Mirwan Surya Perdhana
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd161383

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