Abstract: The problems that occurred in the employee portion of sales LG Indonesia Semarang is a decline in performance is indicated by not achieving the sasaran for 2015. The employee performance and motivation is also thought to be influenced by factors of organizational culture and also compensation deemed not feasible by most employees. This study aimed to analyze the influence of organizational culture on the motivation and compensation and employee performance parts sales LG Indonesia Semarang. The population used inthis study were all employees of LG Indonesia Semarang. The sampling technique usedwas purposive sampling. Criteria samples taken were all employees of the sales department LG Indonesia Semarang who have worked more than two years are 71nurses. The method of collecting the data in this study using questionnaires and interviews. Methods of data analysis using path analysis. Based on the research, organizational culture and compensation have a positive effect on motivation and performance, while motivation is also a positive effect on performance. Based on theresults Sobel Test to determine whether there is mediating the relationship between theindependent and dependent variables, it is known that motivation mediates the effect ofcompensation and organizational culture on performance.
Keywords: performance, motivation, organizational culture, compensation
Penulis: Alexander Monte Christo Arta Graha, Edy Rahardja
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd161377